Did the Oldest Son in the Hauting in Conniticut Ever Have Anything to Do With His Mom Again

The Haunting in Connecticut (2009)
Starring Virginia Madsen, Kyle Gallner, Martin Donovan, Elias Koteas
based on the existent life experiences of the Snedeker family
Reel Face: Existent Confront:
Kyle Gallner as Matt Campbell Kyle Gallner

October 22, 1986
Birthplace: Due west Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
Philip Snedeker Philip Snedeker
Born: Baronial 29, 1973
Birthplace: Marietta, Georgia, Us
Death: January 9, 2012, Johnson City, Tennessee, United states (cancer)
Virginia Madsen Haunting movie Virginia Madsen

September 11, 1961
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, Us
Carmen Reed Snedeker Family Carmen Reed (aka Carmen Snedeker)
Born: September 5, 1955
Birthplace: Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
Martin Donovan Haunting in CT Martin Donovan

August 19, 1957
Birthplace: Reseda, California, U.s.a.
Allen Snedeker Allen Snedeker

I didn�t believe in ghosts. I believed in the spirit earth merely I didn�t believe that information technology could interact with our world. -Carmen Snedeker (A Haunting in Connecticut, 2002)

Questioning the Story:

Southington, Connecticut Home
Southington dwelling house the Snedeker
family rented from 1986-1988.

Did the eldest son accept cancer?
Yeah. The existent life Matt Campbell, Philip Snedeker, had a cancer of the allowed system called Hodgkin�southward lymphoma. -TheCabinet.com

Did they motility to be near a hospital?
Yes. The Haunting in Connecticut true story reveals that the real life family, the Snedekers, moved on June thirty, 1986 from Upstate New York to 208 Meriden Artery in Southington, Connecticut to be near UCONN hospital for their son'south Cobalt treatments. -'A Haunting in Connecticut' Discovery Channel Documentary

Was the house really a funeral dwelling?
Yes. Darrell Kern, the former possessor of the Southington dwelling, confirmed that prior to purchasing the belongings in the 1980�s, it had served every bit the Hallahan Funeral Home for multiple decades. -Hartford Courant

Did the mom actually non know that the firm was formerly a funeral dwelling?

Snedekers and Warrens
(Dorsum) Allen, Tammy, Ed and Lorraine Warren
(Front end) Bradley, Carmen, Allen Jr., Jennifer

It depends on who you ask. Mrs. Carmen Snedeker (the real Mrs. Sara Campbell) claims, equally depicted in the motion-picture show, that she was never informed the house had been used as a funeral dwelling house. Carmen said that she had non been in the basement due to renovation materials blocking the stairway, and only found the embalming equipment after they moved in. Withal, the sometime possessor and their in-house neighbor, claim the family was fully informed of the state of affairs prior to information technology being rented. -A Haunting in Connecticut

Discovery Channel Documentary
Watch the Discovery
Documentary that
inspired the motion picture.

Did the mop h2o turn bloody red?
Yep. According to the existent mother herself, Carmen Reed, then Carmen Snedeker, �The mop h2o was claret red. I mean a deep, deep crimson. Information technology made my pare crawl. I started getting nervous that I was ruining the floor.� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did the dishes put themselves away?
Yep. While the movie depicts this occurrence happening to the eldest son, Philip Snedeker, the

Discovery Channel documentary reveals that it actually happened to the mother. �I thought I was losing my mind," Carmen recalled. "I know I set up the table but the dishes weren�t in that location.� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did a niece really alive with the family?

Niece Tammy
  Niece Tammy

Yes. According to the existent life niece Tammy, �My mother and my begetter were divorcing. But didn�t work out too well then my aunt called and invited me to be with them. We were pretty close.� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did the younger blood brother actually spin around on the gurney?
Yes. �My brother actually had me lay downwards on the gurney in the morgue and didn�t tell me what it was," recalled Bradley Snedeker. "It did freak me out existent bad, only I didn�t want to run because of my older brother. Yous know, I had to expect tough around my older brother. It was pretty creepy, it scared me pretty bad.� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did the lights flicker without light bulbs?
Yes. According to a the middle son, Bradley Snedeker, �� the lights were coming on and off and on and off even though at that place was no bulbs in information technology�� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did the real Matt Campbell (Kyle Gallner) come across things because of handling side effects?
No. His mother, Carmen Reed, asked his oncologist about the possibility of visual side effects. �He said at that place was no chance of him having hallucinations or delusions with the medication he was on.� -A Haunting in Connecticut

Did the son really slumber in the basement?

Coffin Hoist
Carmen Reed showing the
bury lift in her basement that
leads up to a trap door in
the main bedroom floor.

Yes. Philip Snedeker slept in the basement with his brother, Bradley Snedeker. Since the upstairs rooms were smaller, it was the only room that could adapt the teens. The two brothers slept in the casket display room down the hall from the one-time embalming room. -CarmenReed.com

How many due south�ances did Jonah conduct in the house?
Zero. Jonah, portrayed in the movie by Erik J. Berg, is a fictional graphic symbol. The filmmakers added Jonah to the storyline to help provide an explanation for the supernatural elements of the movie.

Did they really find old pictures of expressionless people?
Aye. In this website's correspondence with the real life mother, Carmen Reed, she stated, "There were a couple of photos in the domicile, but there were many toe tags and a caput tag. There were other personal items of the deceased.�

Did the son really run into expressionless people with writing carved on them?
No, although other sightings were reported. Some of these include a thin man with loftier cheek bones and long blackness hair and some other with white hair wearing a pinstriped tuxedo. -AssociatedContent.com

Did Matt (Kyle Gallner) have a radical personality change?
Yes. According to his family unit, he became afar, dark and tearing�like meanness had come up over him. -A Haunting in Connecticut Discovery Channel Documentary

Did the son meet Reverend Popescu (Elias Koteas) during cancer treatments?
No. Whatsoever priests that were met came from the Catholic church, non the hospital.

Did the shower curtain almost suffocate the niece like in the movie?

Carmen Reed Snedeker
   Carmen Reed

Not exactly. In the movie, the shower curtain nearly suffocates the niece, Wendy (Amanda Crew). The Haunting in Connecticut true story reveals that the shower pall incident did happen, merely to the mother, not the niece. In our correspondence with the real life mother, Carmen Reed, she stated, "Yes, the shower drapery did wrap around my confront so that I couldn't exhale. My niece had to come up and rescue me. I couldn't have fallen as I was being pressed in upon."

Did Matt Campbell attack his cousin Wendy?
Yes. The real life Philip Snedeker did attack his cousin, Tammy (Wendy). An ambulance took him to a mental hospital where he remained for xl-v days. -CNN

Did their father actually remove all the calorie-free bulbs from the abode?

Snedeker house morgue doors
Morgue doors are even so visible on the side
of the Southington, Connecticut house.

Yeah, just non in the drunken manner depicted in the motion-picture show. Afterwards seeing the high electric beak, the real life male parent, Allen Snedeker, ended that this was because of the children sleeping with all the lights on and removed the light bulbs to get control over the state of affairs.

Did the real life Matt observe bodies in the walls of the dwelling?
No. The bodies in the walls were created by Hollywood to explicate who was haunting the family and why. Since the bodies had never been properly laid to rest, their souls remained trapped in the home, struggling to get out and notice peace.

Did the son actually burn the business firm down?

Carmen and Daughter
Carmen Reed and her
girl, Jennifer

No, the oldest son, Philip Snedeker, never tried to burn the house downwards. The filmmakers needed a climactic mode to release the demons from the home and created the fire for theatrical purposes. Co-ordinate to the Snedeker family unit, an exorcism was performed on the house on September vi, 1988, which brought closure to the spirits.

Did Philip Snedeker survive cancer?
No. During the treatments in Southington, Philip Snedeker's cancer went into remission and had non yet resurfaced at the time of the movie's release. He had been working as a trucker and had 4 children. Unfortunately, his cancer returned and ultimately claimed his life on August 9, 2012. He is buried in the Wilson Cemetery in Elizabethton, Tennessee.

Is the house still haunted?
No. According to the current owner of the Southington domicile, Susan Trotta-Smith, the true story is that the house is non haunted now and never was. �We�ve lived in the firm for 10 years. Our house is wonderful,� Susan said. �This is all Hollywood foolishness. The stories are all ludicrous.� -NBCConnecticut.com

Why do the Snedekers believe the house was haunted?

John Zaffis Paranormal Investigator
  John Zaffis

Practise to the disturbances in the household, the Snedeker family unit brought in paranormal researchers, including John Zaffis, Ed Warren, and Lorraine Warren, to assistance pinpoint the problems. The researchers believed that erstwhile funeral workers were guilty of necrophilia, which led to the evil presence. Carmen later reported that former workers were establish guilty of the crime, although we are unable to find documentation regarding this claim. -AssociatedContent.com

How do the paranormal researchers feel about the moving-picture show'southward retelling?

Lorraine and Ed Warren
    Lorraine and Ed Warren

During an interview, Lorraine Warren commented on what she had heard about the picture, "I was also told about scratching on the walls, blood and s�ances. That isn't the type of things that were occurring within the firm at all." (MyRecordJournal.com) Lorraine Warren put information technology simply when saying, �The movie is very, very loosely based on the actual investigation.�

Haunting in Connecticut Behind the Movie

Interviews & Video

Watch video featuring interviews with the Snedeker family mother, Carmen Reed, portrayed by Virginia Madsen in the flick. Included in the interviews are her niece Tammy, played past Amanda Crew, and the famous paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren, who were chosen in to work the real life Southington haunting.


Source: https://www.chasingthefrog.com/reelfaces/hauntinginconnecticut.php

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